
About This Site

The main goal of this project is to provide public visuals for some of the side projects and data science that I like to do. Some of my datascience projects are open source, feel free to check out the source code on my GitHub .

Feel free to check out the Experience page for a more comprehensive and detailed page of my professional expereience (Contains Resume)

Personal Projects

About Me

Technically 6'4.5", but 6'4" just rolls off the tongue better. Also, don't lie about your height; Anyone can literally take a tape measure and get an exact objective numerical value of how tall you are.

I love digging into music whether it's analyzing the science/acadamia of music theory, digging into the artistic vision and messageing a certain song/album portrays, studying the culural impact a certain piece of music has, discovering the ways music can psychologically impact humans and control not only the way we think but how we feel in a situation, or just finding songs that hit my soul.

I also absolutely love putting in headphones and going for long walks. I don't get why people hate walks, it's cathartic. Plus you can walk to a place and get food and not feel guilty about yourself.

Some other non tech hobbies I enjoy include maps/geography, analyzing literature (movies, music, TV Shows, pretty much everything except for fiction books), psychology, collecting decks of cards from places I've been, driving, and bingeing YouTube.

Tech/STEM related kind hobbies to me include anything related to computers or raw science.

The biggest one for me by far is computer science, both software and hardware (though I'm more of a software person). I like programming, but I love the possibilities and practical applications of programming more. From everything from data analysis, small scale electronics (raspberry pi/Arduino), to frontend and UI developement.

I love building computers and everything that goes into building and upgrading computers.

As you can tell from this site I love everything data science from the ability to pull numerical data from anything, to transforming that data in a way that we can visualize, comprehend, or utilize in a functional manner. This includes data visualization, statistical analysis, machine/deep learning, etc.

Some other STEM related interets include professional audio production, astronomy, some occasional gaming,